Razzak Vila, House-8/A/Ka (4th Floor), Road-13(New), Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

DWRN formed human chain observing Human Rights Day 2016

dwrn_1“Be vocal and active protesting human rights of domestic workers, follow the instructions of Domestic Workers Protection and Welfare Policy, 2015” with this slogan, Domestic Workers Rights Network-DWRN observed Human Rights Day 2016 by organising  human chain and rally on December 10, 2016 at National Press Club.

Jatiya Garhostho Nari Sramik Union Advisor Abul Hoassain moderated the programme. In the programme speakers demanded to include domestic workers to labour law, to take initiatives for implementing Domestic Workers Protection and Welfare Policy, 2015, to ratify ILO Convention (189) related “Decent work for domestic workers”. They also demanded for immediate punishment to criminals to stop killing, torture of domestic workers and starting registration and visiting activity to protect domestic workers from torture and to verify their real condition.

Leaders and Representatives of Network affiliated Bangladesh prominent human rights organizations, National Trade Union Federations, occupational organisations participated in the programme. Leaders of National Level expressed their solidarity in the programme.