Name of the Project: BILS-Social Dialogue, Gender Equality and Decent Work in Bangladesh
Supported by: FNV Netherlands
Duration: March 2018 – December 2020
Areas of collaboration: RMG Sector
- Decent employment, income, and social protection of decent work are increasingly popularised and promoted in the RMG industry.
- Social dialogue is increasingly strengthen through an effective role played by the TUs.
- RMG women workers are increasingly protected against GBV.
Major Activities: Research, RMG Decent Work Desk, Capacity building training, Round table, Workshop, Conference, Advocacy & Area based campaign, Publication
Location: Dhaka- Mirpur , Ashulia- Savar ,Tongi-Gazipur and Narayanganj
Target Groups:
Direct beneficiaries: Plant level union leaders, RMG TUFs leaders and NTUCs leaders, RMG workers, Employers, government officials, CSOs/NGOs representatives and Media persons
Indirect beneficiaries: RMG Workers, TU leaders, employers, Government officials, CSOs/NGOs, Community people and common mass