A two day training titled, “Gender and Protesting Gender based Violence at Workplace” was organised by BILS, with the support of Mondiaal FNV on January 11-12, 2018 at BILS Seminar Hall aimed at building capacity of Trade Union Leaders for defining role of Trade Union to protest gender based violence at workplace.
Main objectives of the training were to enhance capability among the participants for explaining gender, gender equality and equity, analysing gender based violence, fields of gender discrimination at workplace, describing role of gender, explaining gender equality at workplace, organisation, Trade Union and women empowerment, defining sexual harassment at workplace, analysing sexual harassment behavior, existing law and punishment and national and international law against sexual harassment, analysing of gender involvement at workplace.
Trade Union Leaders at mid level who are involved with RMG sector, Leaders of SKOP and BILS affiliated national Trade Union Federations, IndustiAll Bangladesh Council associated federations, BILS Leaders and Officials participated in the training programme.