BILS and Solidarity Center Bangladesh jointly organised a National consultation titled “Involvement of Trade Unions in Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration” on May 12, 2018 at BILS Seminar Hall.
The consultation was organised to share and brief two keynote papers regarding “Global Compact on Safe Orderly and Regular Migration” and “National Perspective of Migration TU Involvement”.
The consultation was chaired by BILS Advisory Council Member Shah Mohd. Abu Zafar while JatiyaSramikJote Bangladesh General Secretary NaimulAhsan Jewel delivered the welcome speech. Solidarity Center Bangladesh Senior Programme Officer Dr. Lily Gomes, BILS Secretary General Nazrul Islam Khan and Joint Secretary General Dr. Wajedul Islam Khan, Socialist Labour Front General Secretary RazekuzzamanRatan, BILS Executive Director Syed Sultan UddinAhmmedand Advocacy Coordinator Adv. Mohammad Nazrul Islam participated in the discussion.