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FES Bangladesh, BRAC University and BILS launch academic programme for trade unionists

FES Bangladesh, BRAC University and BILSlaunch academic programme for trade unionistsIn an attempt to create an all-inclusive representation of worker’s interests and a more effective social dialogue, the Academy of Work (AoW) was launched on April 20, 2017 in the presence of high profile delegates from both the national and international arenas.

A joint collaboration of Bangladesh Institute of Labour Studies-BILS, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) and BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), the Academy of Work, is a three-month long training programme in the fields of international relations and social partnership for trade unionists. Twenty mid-level, active trade unionists from industries such as the readymade garments, construction, transport, as well as government service sectors like, postal services and telecommunication, are participating in the programme.

FES Bangladesh, BRAC University and BILSlaunch academic programme for trade unionistsState Minister for Labour and Employment of Bangladesh Mujibul Haque, MP, Vice Chairman of FES and former President of International Trade Union Confederation and German Confederation of Trade Unions Michael Sommer, German Ambassador to Bangladesh Dr. Thomas Prinz and Professor Martin Allespach from the University of Frankfurt attended and addressed the event. Executive Director of BILS Syed Sultan Uddin Ahmmed, Executive Director of BIGD-BRAC University Dr. Sultan Hafeez Rahman and Resident Representative of FES Bangladesh Franziska Korn also spoke on the occasion.

Experts will conduct different sessions of AoW in their respective fields in Bangla. The course will focus on a number of areas i.e. industrial relations and labour policies, globalisation and trade, global supply chain and workers’ rights, health and safety, project management and leadership skills. The successful completion of the programme will qualify the participants for a comprehensive understanding of decent work in the global supply chain and will contribute in creating an effective dialogue amongst independent trade unions, employers and the government of Bangladesh.