Razzak Vila, House-8/A/Ka (4th Floor), Road-13(New), Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

Mondiaal FNV

Name of the Project: BILS-Social Dialogue, Gender Equality and Decent Work in Bangladesh

Supported by: FNV Netherlands

Duration: March 2018 – December 2020

Areas of collaboration: RMG Sector


  1. Decent employment, income, and social protection of decent work are increasingly popularised and promoted in the RMG industry.
  2. Social dialogue is increasingly strengthen through an effective role played by the TUs.
  3. RMG women workers are increasingly protected against GBV.

Major Activities: Research, RMG Decent Work Desk, Capacity building training, Round table, Workshop, Conference, Advocacy & Area based campaign,  Publication

Location: Dhaka- Mirpur , Ashulia- Savar ,Tongi-Gazipur and Narayanganj

Target Groups:

Direct beneficiaries: Plant level union leaders, RMG TUFs leaders and NTUCs leaders, RMG workers, Employers, government officials, CSOs/NGOs representatives and Media persons

Indirect beneficiaries: RMG Workers, TU leaders, employers, Government officials, CSOs/NGOs, Community people and common mass