Razzak Vila, House-8/A/Ka (4th Floor), Road-13(New), Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

Planning workshop held on defining activities of SNF

participants in the meeting

BILS, with the support of ActionAid Bangladesh organised a planning workshop on defining activities of SNF on November 13, 2017 at BILS Seminar Hall. Main objectives of the workshop were to involve concerned parties aimed at conducting future activities of Sramik Nirapotta Forum and defining implementation outline, to take their opinion as well as recommendations and to define future activities outline as well as strategy.

Formulation of planning related to recalling Tazreen and Rana Plaza day, taking decision on activities of SNF with the support of  workers Project of  ActionAid Bangladesh, defining conducting process of SNF, reviewing all over activities, role and structure of forum and defining future outline and defining activities to prepare a proposal of SNF for amendment of Labour Law were the discussed issues in the workshop.

BILS Joint Secretary General Dr. Wajedul Islam Khan delivered the welcome speech while ActionAid Deputy Director Amanur Rahman and SNF Convener Dr. Hameeda Hossain spoke on the occasion. BILS Executive Director Syed Sultan Uddin Ahmmed was present as a moderator where as Leaders of National Trade Union Federation, Head and nominated representatives of Human Rights and workers organisations and  representatives of ActionAid Bangladesh as well as TradeUnion Leaders working with the removal of risk at workplace in different parts of the country participated in the workshop.