Razzak Vila, House-8/A/Ka (4th Floor), Road-13(New), Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

Advance training held on leadership development at RMG sector

participants in the meeting

BILS, with the support of Modiaal FNV organised a four-day Advance training on leadership development at RMG sector on November 19-22, 2017 at BILS Seminar Hall. This training programme was organised aiming to enhance skills of union formation, management and training of workers’ Federation, Union Leadership and area based labour leaders at RMG sector.

Setting activities through marking strengths and weak points for practical application of received knowledge and skills from intermediate training, identifying fundamental issues Trade Union constitution, describing labour administration and inspection activities, describing core conventions and ILO and Trade Union related activities, explaining Trade Union related different activities and approaches, presenting report on labour related different issues, enhancing participants skills for organising and conducting advocacy and campaign were the main objectives of the training.

Mid level Leaders and organisers SKOP affiliated Trade Union at RMG sector of National Trade Union Federation and IndusctriAll associated Federations and area based union committees participated in the training programme.